Promocijski Dežniki, Tisk na Dežnike

Popolnoma Avtomatski Dežnik Cambridge - Črna Popolnoma Avtomatski Dežnik Cambridge - Črna
Zložljivi dežnik Cambridge ima dva vzdržljiva mehanizma: sistem proti vetru (zagotavlja dodatno prožnost, zato se dežnik ne zlomi niti pri zelo močnih sunkih vetra) in mehanizem DAS (sistem samodejnega odpiranja in zapiranja). Okvir dežnika je izdelan iz steklenih vlaken. Priložen je etui.
Primo Harvard Avtomatski Dežnik Primo Harvard Avtomatski Dežnik
Majhen in priročen dežnik s sistemom DAS (dvojni avtomatski sistem - avtomatsko zapiranje in odpiranje). Zaradi majhne velikosti lahko dežnik vzamete s seboj kamor koli, zato je idealen za vsakodnevno uporabo. Izdelan je iz poliestra 180T, zaradi česar je izdelek lahek, vendar zanesljiv. Plastični ročaj, prevlečen z gumiranim zaključkom, poleg udobja zagotavlja tudi trden oprijem v roki. Dežnik je popolnoma odporen proti vetru. Priložen je zaščitni etui.Premer: ⌀ 99 cm
York Dežnik York Dežnik
Nenavadno trpežen dežnik iz kolekcije Colorissimo s sistemom DAS (Double Automatic System - avtomatsko zapiranje in odpiranje) in sistemom proti vetru.Lastnosti: trden kovinski okvir, rebra, prevlečena s steklenimi vlakni, in ročaj, prevlečen s PU, z dodano kovinsko ploščico v barvi kovine - kot nalašč za graviranje. Dežnik se odlično prilega torbi ali nahrbtniku.Izdelek ima certifikat REACH.Dimenzije: zložen: 29 cm; Φ 990 mm
Mini žepni dežnik iz aluminija-siva Mini žepni dežnik iz aluminija-siva
Aluminijast mini žepni dežnik POCKET z EVA torbico: 164 g lahek okvir, 5-delna aluminijasta gred z aluminijastimi rebri, konci iz steklenih vlaken in kovinskimi konicami, barvno usklajen gumijasto prevlečen ročaj s poliestrskim baldahinom
Primo Stanford Poslovni Dežnik Primo Stanford Poslovni Dežnik
Klasičen dežnik z 8 paneli z avtomatskim odpiranjem, ki je kljub svoji velikosti popolnoma odporen proti vetru in lahek. Glavni material - 180T poliester, okvir in gred iz plastike s trdnim kovinskim zaključkom iz steklenih vlaken, ki izkazuje visoko odpornost na mehanske poškodbe. Ukrivljen ročaj se odlično prilega roki in omogoča udobno uporabo.Premer: ⌀ 105 cm
Pocket Umbrella Regular - Blue / Green / Red / Yellow Pocket Umbrella Regular - Blue / Green / Red / Yellow
Pocket Umbrella Regular With Manual Opener, 2-Section Metal Shaft And Metal Ribs, Black Plastic Handle With A Polyester Canopy, Closure With Velcro

Naložite svoj logotip in si oglejte 3D prikaz na tisočih izdelkih

Super Slim Mini Pocket Umbrella Flat - Black Super Slim Mini Pocket Umbrella Flat - Black
Super Slim Mini Pocket Umbrella Flatl 164G Lightweight Windproof Framework, 3-Section Aluminium Shaft, With Aluminium Ribs, Fibreglass Ends And Metal Tips, Silver-Coloured Handle With Polyester Pongee Canopy
Automatic Windproof Pocket Umbrella For Men Mister - Black Automatic Windproof Pocket Umbrella For Men Mister - Black
Automatic Windproof Pocket Umbrella For Men Mister With A 2-Piece Metal Shaft, Ribs, Tips, Plastic Handle, And A Polyester Pongee Canopy, Closure With Velcro
Automatic Pocket Umbrella Cover - White Automatic Pocket Umbrella Cover - White
Automatic Pocket Umbrella Cover With A 3-Piece Metal Shaft, Ribs And Tips, Rubber-Coated Grooved Handle And A Polyester Pongee Canopy With Pouch, Closure With Velcro
Golf Umbrella Budyx Golf Umbrella Budyx
Golf umbrella with 8 panels in a sober two-tone design and 135cm diameter, with manual opening. Made of resistant pongee material, with windproof security mechanism. Black fibre shaft and ribs, with double velcro fastening and matching soft handle. Presented in a resistant pouch of the same material in black. 31". Windproof
Automatic Open/Close, Windproof Pocket Umbrella Bora - White Automatic Open/Close, Windproof Pocket Umbrella Bora - White
Automatic Open/Close Windproof Pocket Umbrella Bora, 3-Section Metal Shaft, Aluminium-Plastic-Fibreglass Ribs, Metal Tips, Rubber-Coated Handle, Polyester Pongee Canopy With Special Water-Resistant Coating, Closure With Velcro
Automatic Pocket Umbrella For Men Lord - Black Automatic Pocket Umbrella For Men Lord - Black
Organic Materials
Automatic Pocket Umbrella For Men Lord With A 3-Piece Metal Shaft, With Metal/Fibreglass Ribs And Metal Tips, Wooden Crook Handle, Polyester Pongee Canopy With Special Water-Resistant Coating, Closure With Velcro
Pocket Umbrella Twist - Yellow Pocket Umbrella Twist - Yellow
Pocket Umbrella Twist: With A Carrying Loop Integrated In The Handle, 204G Lightweight Frame, 3-Piece Aluminium Shaft, Aluminium-Fibreglass Ribs, Metal Tips, Rubber-Coated Handle, Polyester Pongee Canopy And Pouch, Closing Strap With Touch Fastener
Automatic Pocket Umbrella Prima - White Automatic Pocket Umbrella Prima - White
Automatic Pocket Umbrella Prima, In Colour-Themed Sheath: 3-Piece Metal Shaft, Ribs, And Tips, Black Plastic Knob With Colour-Themed Automatic Release Button And Supporting Loop, Polyester Canopy, Closing Strap With Touch Fastener
Automatic Open/Close Windproof Pocket Umbrella Oriana - Grey Automatic Open/Close Windproof Pocket Umbrella Oriana - Grey
Automatic Open/Close Windproof Pocket Umbrella Oriana With Sheath In Matching Colour: 3-Section Metal Shaft, With Metal/Plastic/Fibreglass Ribs, Rubber-Coated Handle And Carrying Loop In Matching Colour, Polyester Canopy And Sheath With Honeycomb Structure, Snap Fastener
Pocket Umbrella Picobello - White Pocket Umbrella Picobello - White
Pocket Umbrella Picobello With A 3-Piece Metal Shaft, Metal/Fibreglass Ribs, Metal Tips, Black Plastic Handle, And A Polyester Canopy, Closure With Velcro
Automatic Open/Close Windproof Pocket Umbrella Streetlife - Black / White Automatic Open/Close Windproof Pocket Umbrella Streetlife - Black / White
Automatic Open/Close Windproof Pocket Umbrella Streetlife: Colour Of Stitching Matches Handle, 3-Part Metal Shaft, With Metal-Fibreglass Ribs, Metal Tips, Rubber-Coated Handle With Loop, Polyester Pongee Canopy, Closure With Velcro, Sheath With Colour-Matching Stitching And Velcro Closure
Automatic Stick Umbrella Dance - White Automatic Stick Umbrella Dance - White
Automatic Stick Umbrella Dance: With Metal Shaft, Metal Ribs, Plastic Tips With Colour-Matching Plastic Handle, Polyester Canopy, Closing Strap With Touch Fastener
Automatic Stick Umbrella Doubly - Black / Grey Automatic Stick Umbrella Doubly - Black / Grey
Automatic Stick Umbrella Doubly: With Metal Shaft And Ribs, Plastic Tips And Crook Handle, Double-Layered Polyester Canopy With 2 Colours, Closing Strap With Touch Fastener
Automatic Wooden Stick Umbrella Waltz - Beige / Navy Blue Automatic Wooden Stick Umbrella Waltz - Beige / Navy Blue
Organic Materials
Automatic Wooden Stick Umbrella Waltz: With Colour-Matching Piping, Metal Ribs, Wooden Tips, Wooden Crook Handle, Polyester Canopy, Closing Strap With Touch Fastener
Automatic Wooden Stick Umbrella Tango - White Automatic Wooden Stick Umbrella Tango - White
Organic Materials
Automatic Wooden Stick Umbrella Tango: With Metal Ribs, Wooden Tips, Wooden Crook Handle, Polyester Canopy, Closing Strap With Touch Fastener
Automatic Wooden Stick Umbrella Boogie - White Automatic Wooden Stick Umbrella Boogie - White
Organic Materials
Automatic Wooden Stick Umbrella Boogie: Metal Ribs, Wooden Tips, Wooden Crook Handle, Nylon Canopy, Closing Strap With Touch Fastener
Automatic Windproof Stick Umbrella Wind - White Automatic Windproof Stick Umbrella Wind - White
Automatic Windproof Stick Umbrella Wind, With Metal Shaft, Fibreglass Ribs And Metal Tips With A Rubber-Coated Crook Handle And A Polyester Pongee Canopy, Closure With Velcro

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